Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Use Your myLot Profile For Backlinks And Visitors To Your Squidoo Lenses

I don’t know if you’re familiar with myLot or not, but it is a discussion where you get paid for starting and participating in discussions. While that’s okay, the value of myLot for me is that you can add links to you Squidoo lenses or any other site or blog in your profile and that gives you backlinks on a PR6 authority site.

As I mentioned you get paid for starting and participating in discussions and though you can’t put links in your discussion and you can’t blatantly guide people to your profile, if you make you discussion or answer to another discussion interesting enough people will automatically go to your profile. I have links to all of my lenses in my profile, which you can see here.

If you are not a member of myLot why not join and add another backlink for your Squidoo lenses or other sites and make a little money while you’re at it.

I hope this was of some help. Leave a comment and let me know. Happy Squidoodling!

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  1. Great article. I was on My Lot initially a lot but didn't really understand back linking yet. I'll be sure to use MyLot for some back links to my Info barrel articles!

  2. Thanks very much for this extremely useful post. I just found this entirely by accident and yet it is incredibly useful for my squidoo lenses that I have made recently!
