Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Use Your myLot Profile For Backlinks And Visitors To Your Squidoo Lenses

I don’t know if you’re familiar with myLot or not, but it is a discussion where you get paid for starting and participating in discussions. While that’s okay, the value of myLot for me is that you can add links to you Squidoo lenses or any other site or blog in your profile and that gives you backlinks on a PR6 authority site.

As I mentioned you get paid for starting and participating in discussions and though you can’t put links in your discussion and you can’t blatantly guide people to your profile, if you make you discussion or answer to another discussion interesting enough people will automatically go to your profile. I have links to all of my lenses in my profile, which you can see here.

If you are not a member of myLot why not join and add another backlink for your Squidoo lenses or other sites and make a little money while you’re at it.

I hope this was of some help. Leave a comment and let me know. Happy Squidoodling!

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Monday, March 7, 2011

Two More Places To Promote Your Squidoo Lenses And Get Backlinks

This weekend I discovered two more places where you can promote your Squidoo lenses and get backlinks and even make a little extra moola. The two places I’m talking about are IMfaceplate and Mashbite.

IMfaceplate was made for Internet marketers. It’s a place where you can brand yourself in your niche. You can add just about anything to your faceplate page from tweets to YouTube videos. You can even add rss feeds, but it will only show ten posts at a time for each feed. I added this blogs feed and my Squidoo lensmaster feed. However, my lensmaster feed doesn’t seem to show up, but you still get an option to manually post ten lenses, which is what I plan to do. As an extra-added incentive, you can earn facepoints for doing things like logging in, commenting on discussions and visiting other people’s faceplates. The facepoints will earn you added exposure throughout IMfaceplate.

At Mashbite you can write a blog post or an article and add your link or just do a bookmark for the Squidoo lens and site you want to link to. It’s another good backlink for your lenses. Another good thing about Mashbite is that they are a 100% revenue sharing site. You can add your Adsense and Chitika ID and get 100% of that ad revenue. You also get 20% of your referrals revenue. I just added my new lenses there and I plan to ad my others also.

Getting backlinks is the way to move your lenses up the search engines and make money with Squidoo. The more backlinks you have the better. With IMfaceplate and Mashbite you get a couple of backlinks and a little extra. So join them both and work your way up the serps.

If you liked this let me know by leaving a comment. You know what even if you didn’t like it leave one. It’ll help me improve. Happy Squidoodling!

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